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This tutorial introduces the components of the Calendar View.

The image above shows the main components of the Month Calendar view. The ‘Month Calendar’ view is displayed when ‘Month’ is selected on the Calendar Type control.

The Filter Options menu can be used to filter the Tasks that are displayed on the calendar. The ‘View All’ option will display all tasks on the calendar.

The image above shows the Day Calendar view. The ‘Day Calendar’ view is displayed when ‘Day’ is selected on the Calendar Type control. The Day calendar has two display options. In the image above the Gantt Display Option is selected and this displays tasks in a Gantt layout.

To the right of the ‘Day Calendar’ is a Month Calendar. The date displayed by the ‘Day Calendar’ can be changed by selecting a date from the ‘Month Calendar’. The ‘Month Calendar’ highlights the currently ‘selected date’ with a red background and highlights dates that contain tasks with a dark grey background.

The image above shows the Day Calendar view with the Task Display Option selected. With this display option selected, the day calendar displays tasks that span multiple days in the top half with a Gantt style layout. Tasks which start and end on the same day are displayed in the lower half.